Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grisham's Lessons #11 Teamwork

In Chapter 5 of Legend of Crystal Cove, Larry has a great illustration of teamwork. The Island Gang is using the boat dolly Grisham made them for the first time. With the dolly they will be able to get Little Imp down to the boat launch at Raft Island Beach all by themselves. As they begin to maneuver the vessel, Grisham sees them struggling, and then gives them some advice. His advice gets the one person who was not yet involved to perform a task that made the process easier and safer for all.

And that’s the way it is with teamwork. When all on the team are both willing and allowed to contribute, the result is always better than the alternative. This principle is worthy of a little consideration. There are times when all are invited to contribute, yet one or more don’t. There are also times when all are willing to contribute, but one or more aren’t included. In either situation, the value of the team is compromised.

Too often teamwork is too much about the end score, and not enough about the participants. Every team (sports, work, school, etc.) should have a higher purpose than just numbers. Placing people in situations where they can develop and achieve, and then allowing that process to take place, is far more rewarding than sacrificing one or more in order to hit the number.

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