Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grisham's Lessons #8 Helping other's dreams come true

Listening to The Island Gang make plans to get out on the water Grisham was reminded of his younger years—and his not so younger years. Being out on the water had dominated Grisham’s dreams from his youth, and had never really left. Something about the feeling of freedom and sense of adventure that came over him every time he hit the open water drove him to relive the experience over and over.

Now there was this new generation that had the same hunger for the water that had driven him to sea all of his life. Seeing the excitement in their eyes each time they got closer to realizing the dream of their own boat was enough to push Grisham to work all the harder getting Little Imp seaworthy.

Grisham knew of their plans to become marooned at Dead Man’s, but couldn’t bring himself to spoil their adventure. He’d explored the Native American burial ground himself and couldn’t really see the harm in it.

Knowing their dreams were attainable was all the motivation The Island Gang needed to put their all into completing the tasks that Grisham required in exchange for Little Imp.

It doesn’t take much to help keep the dreams of others alive. A little encouragement and recognition go along way.

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