Thursday, December 11, 2008

Grisham's Lessons #16 Reckless Caution

In creating The Island Gang, Larry has put together quite a team of personalities. In Legend of Crystal Cove, the kids push off from Raft Island Beach and head out into Henderson Bay following clues uncovered at Dead Man’s. Gary stands ready to strike out into the unknown with little or no care as to consequences. Curtis, though a follower and always right in the mix, will generally be found sounding the voice of warning. Wendy and Travis, initially stunned at some of Gary’s suggestions aren’t about to be left behind and don’t often let Gary out of their sight. Justin reasons through things perhaps better than the rest providing some balance and Tyler can be counted on for comic relief.

Whether in an Island Gang adventure, the school lunch bunch, or business, this is a good mix of personalities. If some risk isn’t taken the chances for real discovery are diminished. If no caution is applied, the chances of getting safely to the point of discovery are lessened. Add a couple of folks who are willing to support risky action with some applied caution, and a guy who consistently adds humor so that the team doesn’t take themselves too seriously, and you’re working on a recipe for success. This is what Larry refers to as reckless caution.

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