Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Grisham's Lessons #12 Kindness

As stated in Lesson #3, Tyler, one of The Island Gang, is autistic. Tyler is taken after Larry’s nephew who is autistic. Actions and statements are what Tyler has said, and what experience has shown that Tyler might say in given situations. Aside from entertaining, depicting situations that inspire good in others is Larry’s main objective with this series.

Tyler plays a key role in both Legend of Crystal Cove, and Legend of the Masks. While the others could easily leave Tyler behind due to his condition, they don’t. In fact, they go out of their way to include him, using his gift for memorizing, making sure they have the food he likes, helping him when he stumbles and falls, and showing genuine concern when he turns up missing on the 4th of July. They take jabs at each other like kids do, but when it really matters they stick up for each other, showing kindness that is missing all too often in relationships, both interpersonal and casual.

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